Debut Project: Epitome Perennial (2013)Philosophy incorporated: PerennialismEssay: The Stature of UniversalityWebsite with original content, essay, knowledge: www.EpitomePerennial.comSecond Project: HollowDreamz (2014)Philosophy incorporated: UbuntuEssay: The Spring of IndividualityWebsite with original content, essay, knowledge: www.HollowDreamz.comThird Project: Energy & Rhythm (2019)Philosophy incorporated: TaoismEssay: The Encompassment of AllWebsite with original content, essay, knowledge:
Awareness allows you to be calm and free to choose reality whereas ignorance causes you to be unstable and moved by impulses. He that deviates out of the way of understanding ends up in the congregation of the dead.
Being meaningless is the greatest gift life can give you so that you can determine how you experience life with your capacity to be a co-creator with all that is. To define your reality as uniquely your own, so that you can experience in a way that you prefer to, in a way that is aligned with your truth, your true self. And then finding yourself in a life of harmony, creativity, love, synchronicity, and then recognizing that that is the way life can be if you define it as such. Reality is the product of your core belief, your core definitions of what is true to you. [...] The belief to be able to change, is the key that unlocks you from any particular belief, and allows you to experience your life in an aware reality that allows you to choose what you will experience. You can easily replace beliefs and generate a reality more in alignment with your preference. This is all energy in motion, simple physics. Paradox is your balance. It lets you know, you are where you need to be. That becoming aware of your polarity, that you are in charge, it is coming through you, from you.
The evolution of humanity can proceed only through the evolution of a certain group, which, in its turn, will influence and lead the rest of humanity.
The Origin of the Human Race.mp3
All improvement is dependent upon you seeing yourself as being greater than you are. Then your potentials stir within you and your creative capacities unfold. — Raymond Charles Barker
I think John E. Mack, M.D. was very courageous to take this topic on. I think down the road in who-knows-how-many years, he'll be looked upon as a visionary by the populace - by all of us. — Randall Nickerson
"Set a goal to become a millionaire for what it will make of you to achieve it".
Whatever you put into your mind has to go someplace and do something. By repetition the information goes into our subconscious mind and becomes a working part of who you are and what you believe. — Bruce Bryans
You have to begin to tell the story of your life as you now want it to be and discontinue the tales of how it has been or of how it is.Hip-hop is more about attaining wealth. People respect success. They respect big. They don't even have to like your music. If you're big enough, people are drawn to you. — Jay Z.
On why wealth is important.mp3
Chamath Palihapitiya - Money is a Lagging Indicator of CHANGE.mp3
All creation is for a wise purpose. But men do not usually realize or understand it, because they are steeped in their own arrogance, folly, or passions. —Qur'an, 4717.
I believe that telling our stories, first to ourselves and then to one another and the world, is a revolutionary act. It is an act that can be met with hostility, exclusion, and violence. It can also lead to love, understanding, transcendence, and community. I hope that my being real with you will help empower you to step into who you are and encourage you to share yourself with those around you. — Janet Mack
Going from Sa1loum with Epitome Perennial, to Provocator with HollowDreamz, to Rap Millionaire with Energy & Rhythm was me evolving, defining, and creating self in the present and the future. Am I the revolutionary or am I the teacher? What is my style? Eventually, Energy & Rhythm is about me being all of it. I am box-less. I am this in one moment, and this in another moment. Whatever I am inclined to be, and act as, in the now,- it comes down to upholding faith for glory to manifest, by remaining true to self and not putting value in the shallow ornaments of dunya making for pettiness. Rather, utilizing such lifestyle for benefit and my own interpersonal evolution; one who is aware is enabled with such free-will choice.
Infinite Parallel Realities.mp3
1) Penny Grind2) Sam Jam3) My Paper Maker4) Sulay Tennis5) Global Muslim Peace Movement (Muslim Public Opinion)6) The Beat Service7) Rap Song Reviews8) Resolving Poverty
If everything comes back to just trying to get a dollar the world is going to go down real quick and real hard. — AJ, from Keswick
All that you touch you change. All that you change changes you. The only lasting truth is change. —Octavia Butler
All of this furthermore relates and runs in parallel to Charles Manson's message on HollowDreamz in the outro track "Silver Lining", including:I have come to this conclusion from noting in case after case the extent to which the information communicated by alien beings to experiencers is fundamentally about the need for a change in human consciousness and our relationship to the earth and one another. [...] "designed" to bring about a kind of ego death from which spiritual growth and the expansion of consciousness may follow. [...] the UFO abduction phenomenon is taking place in the context of a planetary crises of major proportions. Human power and greed, made invincible by technologies that are ravaging the earth's environment, are bringing the planet's biosystems to the edge of collapse. [...] Abductions seem to be concerned primarily with two related projects: changing human consciousness to prevent the destruction of the earth's life, and a joining of two species for the creation of a new evolutionary form. [...] Virtually every abductee receives information about the destruction of the earth's ecosystem and feels compelled to do something about it. -John E. Mack (Abduction, 1994; pg. 399, 413).
The abduction phenomena also seems to offer new perspectives on human destructiveness. The aliens, as illustrated, for example, in Peter's and Paul's cases, seem genuinely puzzled about the extent of our aggressiveness toward one another and especially our apparent willingness to destroy the planet's life. As Paul said when speaking from an alien point of view, "We don't understand why you choose destruction." Indeed, the extent of this destructiveness, as reflected to us from the alien vantage point, demonstrates the inadequacy of our biological and psychological theories of aggression and the need for a fresh look at this aspect of our individual and collective selves. "An organism that gets to be at such a degree of destruction should flip back and learn upon itself," Paul said. As one who has long studied the psychological consequences of the nuclear threat, I can only agree".— John E. Mack (Abduction, 1994; pg. 403).
The economic implications of the abduction phenomenon are inseparable from the political ones. The loss of a sense of the sacred, the devaluation of intelligence and consciousness in nature beyond ourselves, has permitted the stronger among us to exploit the earth's resources without regard to future generations. Growth without restraint has become an end in itself, as the reports of economic "indicators" endlessly intone, ignoring the inevitable collapse that cannot be far off if the multiplication of the human population continues unchecked and the pillaging of the earth does not stop. Furthermore, if the acquisitive impulse (euphemistically called "market forces") is not controlled, inequities in the distribution of food and other goods that do remain may deepen, giving rise to potential chaos and war without limits. The UFO abduction phenomenon [...] cannot, "save" us. But, [..] it seems to be intricately connected with the nature of human greed, the roots of our destructiveness, and the future consequences of our collective behavior. For the abductees, and the rest of us if we pay attention, the encounters are profoundly enlightening in the fullest sense. — John E. Mack (Abduction, 1994; pg. 411, 412).
Abductees come to appreciate that the universe is filled with intelligences and is itself intelligent. They develop a sense of awe before a mysterious cosmos that becomes sacred and ensouled. The sense of separation from all the rest of creation breaks down and the experience of oneness becomes an essential aspect of the evolution of the abductees' consciousness. [...] Finally, many if not most of the abductees with whom I have worked intensively come to feel that their enhanced spiritual awareness must be translated into some sort of teaching or higher purpose. Even as they are saddened, and even become hopeless about the ecology of the planet and the fate of the earth's life-forms, they feel that their experiences are, ultimately, about preserving life and that they must do something toward this end. [...] each feel that they have a particular mission or responsibility to teach a different sort of consciousness concerning the human place on Earth. [...] have even changed their jobs or are seeking to shift the direction of their work in order better to fulfill their life's new purpose. Peter envisions a future "Golden Age" of learning and opportunity, which he hopes to help bring about.— John E. Mack (Abduction, 1994; pg. 407-408).
The change that abductees experience is fundamentally that they may no longer feel themselves to be separate from other beings. They shed their identification with a narrow social role and gain a sense of oneness with all creation, a kind of universal connectedness. [...] Human beings are not lords of the earth, they realize, but children of the cosmos who must find their way to live in harmony with all manner of creatures on the earth and elsewhere. This is a terrifying lesson in humility that opens the psyche to a wider perception of the universe, including the beings and entities that inhabit it. [...] Abductees become open to the presence of a divine source, which fills their being and gives a sense of connection with a universal consciousness from which they have come and to which they will return.— John E. Mack (Abduction, 1994; pg. 409).
The UFO abduction phenomenon, which strikes at the heart of the Western paradigm and reveals us to be utterly without control, is more readily accepted at the grassroots level than by the culturally sophisticated or most intellectually advanced among us. For it is, to a large degree, the scientific and governmental elite and the selected media that it controls that determine what we are to believe is real, for these monoliths are the principle beneficiaries of the dominant ideology.This "politics of ontology" (Mack 1992) is then the primary arena in which the reality and significance of the UFO abduction phenomenon must be confronted. Before its potential meaning for our individual and collective lives can be realized it has to be taken seriously and moved out of the sensationalizing tabloids into the mainstream of the society so that the sophisticated media is free to give up their supercilious tone. For our own government and other governments around the world the abduction phenomenon presents a special problem. Is it, after all, the business of government to protects its people, and for officials to acknowledge that strange beings from radar-defying craft can, in seeming defiance of the laws of gravity and space/time itself, invade our homes and abduct our people creates particular problems. This may explain why government policy in relation to UFOs has been, from the beginning, so confusing, a kind of garbled mixture of denial and cover-up that only fuels conspiracy theories.There are other political implications of the abduction phenomenon. Politics, local, national, and international, is, after all, a game of power. We seek power to dominate, control, or influence a sphere of action. But the abduction phenomenon by its demonstration that control is impossible, even absurd, and its capacity to reveal our wider identity in the universe invites us to discover the meaning of our "power" in a deeper, spiritual sense. Ethnonational conflict, which derives ultimately from the fact that we define ourselves exclusively in parochial regional terms (what Erik Erikson called "pseudospeciation") is the source of prodigious suffering and represents a vast threat to human survival. The more global, even cosmically, interconnected identity that is implicit in the UFO abduction phenomenon, might, at least, offer a distraction from our interminable struggles for ownership and dominance of the earth. At best it could draw us out of ourselves into potentially infinite cosmic adventures. But all this depends on taking the phenomenon and its implications seriously. [...] That the earth itself, and its potential destruction could have an effect beyond itself or its own environment was altogether outside the worldview in which I was raised. But it would appear from the information that abductees receive that the earth has value or importance in a larger, interrelated cosmic system that mirrors the interconnectedness of life on earth. The alien abduction phenomenon represents, then, some sort of corrective initiative. [...] "the whole universe is self-correcting, because if one part of the universe can be. . . like a feedback machine. [...] It's all connected. If you take one part of the tapestry, and you put a hole in it or you rend it, you wreck the parts that are next to it. If you take a thread out, the threads that are next to it all get bumped and jostled about so you've got to correct it . . . If you make a mess in one part of the universe, you jostle the next part over, and the part that's able to move in or to adjust will do so." — John E. Mack (Abduction, 1994; pg 411).
Allah's Truth is manifest, and all that is good and true and sane and normal accepts it with joy. But even where there is "disease in the heart", or judgment is obscured by perversity, every creature must eventually see and acknowledge Allah and His power. For God's love is unescapable as nature's environment, which if a man ignore or think to thrust it off, he is the ill-natured fool that runneth blindly on death." All Nature adores Allah, and Islam asks for nothing peculiar or sectarian; it but asks that we follow our nature and make our will comformable to Allah's Will as seen in Nature, history, and revelation. Its message is universal. — Qur'an 417.
You will always move away from what is least beneficial for you. You will always go towards what is more beneficial to you.
Upon incarnating into a physical body, we experience an occultation of awareness and forget who we are. Then social conditioning and biological impulses graft a false identity upon us that is in total discord with our true spiritual nature. Most people wear this false identity for life and fail to recognize and fulfill their true reasons for incarnating. But for others, intuition and experiences help them realize that there is more to life than the material world (matrix) admits. Throughout life these individuals experience higher impulses guiding them toward becoming lucid in this dream, while simultaneously lower impulses beckon them toward sleep. For those who consistently listen to their higher impulses, inner and outer life transforms and begins to operate under divine instead of material laws, removing limitations of the latter and opening up new possibilities. This is the process of transcending the matrix, using higher laws to override lower ones by developing and purifying one’s internal nature to resonate with higher realms of existence. This is a prerequisite for fulfilling one’s potential.It appears sometimes to be the strangeness and our lack of power and control, more than any real harm or physical pain that may have occurred, that at least initially gives the human/alien relationship such an adversarial or traumatic cast. As has so often happened in human history, something that seems to threaten us from outside, or challenges a worldview, tends to be perceived as demonic, which of course has provided the television and film industries with almost limitless commercial opportunities.— John E. Mack (Passport To The Cosmos, 1999; pg. 262)
"The real important thing is the ecological problem we're causing worldwide. [...] we humans are in the early stages of development [...] too dangerous to be set free in the universe to do as we please." Often on the ships he has been shown "scene after scene showing mankind's destructive ways and its impact on the environment," accompanied by a telepathic message: "YOU ARE KILLING YOUR PLANET. YOUR PLANET IS DYING." "I learned if we can't take care of ourselves and our planet, how can we ever expect to join the galactic neighborhood?" — John E. Mack (Passport To The Cosmos; pg. 98)
I believe I am, therefore I think. I believe we are spiritual beings having a human experience. I believe our consciousness continues to exist after our body is deceased. I believe I am a soul and it's eternal. I feel deep down that I have lived before and don't ask me why, because I cannot and do not know how to explain it — it's just a sense of feeling. I don't mind if people call me crazy, because I would rather be crazy (with profound experiences which I feel nothing but bliss, joy and true happiness within me), than to be normal with misery.
Evil and good are God's right hand and left. — Horace Mann
God did not create angels independently. The earth is the nursery ground for heaven. The angels are not angels by original nature; they transformed into angels by intimate union with God which God never refuses, the essence of God being never negative, but always active.
Money really is what makes the world go round. For example, we would have had electric cars sooner, if it wouldn't have hurt the profits of oil companies. Plus, this country is so behind in green energy, because you have the coal industries writing big paychecks to congressmen.
The Godless would deny & destroy human rights... The liberties of a nation cannot be secure when belief in God is abandoned. — Richard HalversonLies are usually caused by undue fear of men. — Hasidic Saying
The difference in gradation of the vibration of frequency is what determines what is capable of being experienced. If you are operating at the high level of frequency (violet) you will never perceive red at that end of the spectrum. So the leading edge of the wave of collective consciousness — you can live there or float back into the wake, somewhere of which there will be vibrations representative to whatever degree you allow your belief system to take hold. There are consequences to that, being that you can only perceive what is directly commensurate to the level you're on, nothing lower and nothing higher. But we are all capable of choosing to ride the crest — the leading edge.

Islamic science is related profoundly to the Islamic world view. It is rooted deeply in knowledge based upon the unity of Allah or al-tawhid and a view of the universe in which Allah’s Wisdom and Will rule and in which all things are interrelated reflecting unity on the cosmic level. In contrast, Western science is based on considering the natural world as a reality which is separate from both Allah and the higher levels of being. At best, Allah is accepted as the creator of the world, as a mason who has built a house which now stand on its own. His intrusion into the running of the world and His continuous sustenance of it are not accepted in the modern scientific world view. — Seyyed Hossein Nasr
Needless to say none of this makes sense within the modern worldview brought to us by Western science, whose "governing assumption," in philosopher Richard Tarnas's words, is that "any meaning the human mind perceives in the universe does not exist intrinsically in the universe but is projected onto it by the human mind". To Tarnas, "this complete voiding of the cosmos, this absolute privileging of the human" is perhaps the "ultimate anthropocentric projection, the most subtle yet prodigious form of human self-aggrandizement" and represents an intellectual "hubris of cosmic proportions."The experiences recounted by the abductees with whom I have worked during the past four years constitute, I think, a rich body of evidence to support the idea that the cosmos, far from being devoid of meaning and intelligence is, to quote Tarnas again, "informed by some kind of universal intelligence," an intelligence "of scarcely conceivable power, complexity, and aesthetic subtlety yet one to which the human intelligence is akin, and in which it can participate."UFO abductions and related phenomena suggest first that humans are not preeminent intelligent beings in a universe more or less empty of conscious life. But abductees' experiences also indicate that we are participating in a cosmos that contains intelligent beings that are far more advanced than we are in certain respects and have the power to render us helpless for purposes we are only just beginning to fathom.Each abductee appears to me like a pioneer on a hero's journey. For as they undergo their own ego-destroying terror, and allow us to know about their experiences, their consciousness opens to the existence of unknown dimensions of the cosmos and the human psyche, which themselves appear increasingly to be profoundly interwoven.I am often asked why, if UFOs and abductions are real, the spaceships do not show up in more obvious form. "Why don't they land on the White House lawn?" is the reigning cliche. The most popular answer to this question among those who take the phenomenon seriously is that the aliens do not dare to manifest themselves more directly. Government leaders would panic, might attack them, and surely would not know how to avoid scaring the rest of us.It is for us to embrace the reality of the phenomenon and to take a step toward appreciating that we live in a universe different from the one in which we have been taught to believe.UFO abductions have to do with the evolution of consciousness and the collapse of a worldview that has placed humankind at a kind of epicenter of intelligence in a cosmos perceived as largely lifeless and meaningless. [...] The connecting principle, the force that expands our consciousness beyond ourselves, appears to be love. [...] The abduction phenomena, it seems clear, is about what is yet to come. It presents, quite literally, visions of alternative futures, but it leaves the choice to us. — John E. Mack
Everything goeth, everything returneth; eternally rolleth the wheel of existence.Everything dieth, everything blossometh forth again; eternally runneth the year of existence.Everything breaketh, everything is integrated anew; eternally buildeth itself the same house of existence. All things separate, all things against greet one another; eternally true to itself remaineth the ring of existence.Every moment beginneth existence, around every 'Here' rolleth the bull of "There'. The middle is everywhere. Crooked is the path of eternity. — P.D. Ouspensky
In terms of Pantheism,The religion of future will be a cosmic religion. It should transcend a personal God and avoid dogmas and theology. Covering both the natural and the spiritual, it should be based on a religious sense arising from the experience of all things, natural and spiritual as a meaningful unity. Buddhism answers this description... If there is any religion that would cope with modern scientific needs, it would be Buddhism. — Albert Einstein
(Pan = all, theism=God) it is the view that God is all. Although some definitions describe pantheism as the view that God is the universe or God is nature, the more general definition is that these (universe, nature) are manifestations of God. In other words, pantheism defines God as the totality. All matter, energy, space and time. The universe and every other universe which may exist. All creators and all destroyers. All things, ideas, forms. Every-thing and every-nothing. In sum, He is the representation of the oneness of all.This view wouldn't be compatible with Islam because we believe Allah created these things, he isn't these things. [35:1]. [21:30]. [36:82]. We know that Allah cannot perish or expire, but time will be diminished, so Allah cannot be all since Allah cannot perish like nature, time, earth and the universe. Although Allah is not all but he can control and create all.
Everything you see on earth is made from one original substance, out of which all things proceed.— Wallace D. Wattles
Every body dies, but existence continues. — Noah Levine
As human beings, our greatness lies not so much in being able to remake the world as in being able to remake ourselves. — Mahatma Gandhi
"I didn't love self cause my mama didn't back my wantsI was just fighting to make it seen when already it was hereI was just denying it like a non-believer by ElohimBut I knew if i gave in I’d regret it, so I dug deeperA shy infatuateCall me that creeper immaculateThese are my thoughtsThese are my dreamsThis is my revival"

In the first place, the Muslims always inspire respect and fear through their dignified behavior, attachment to their religion and obedience to just laws, and their peacefulness. — Shaykh Hamza Yusuf
Dark forces opposed to human awakening.mp3
Perfection - Good and Bad, Right and Wrong (Pt 1).mp3
Perfection - Good and Bad, Right and Wrong (Pt 2).mp3
Get Involved - Laying the Groundwork for Contact.mp3
Annunaki, Atlantis, Lemuria, Egypt.mp3
This Place Called Earth.mp3