Energy & Rhythm
A Philosophical Realm of Experience: The Encompassment of All

Energy & Rhythm pushes boundaries en route mind-shifting paradigms of awareness.
Energy & Rhythm signifies the "looking outside-of" and the "upward-into" of what Is
Energy & Rhythm looks beyond the physical and into the spiritual; beyond the known, into the unknown.
Energy & Rhythm
 transcends beyond the construct of old beliefs and definitions as yet another evolution of self, dissolving 
conventionality en route metaphysical creation of existence and beingness in the name of Taijitu.

To live unto self freely and fluid, OR to challenge ills and evolutionize shadow constructs constituting fear, prejudice and injustice  here belies Energy & Rhythm's two contrasting perspectives.

1) "The world is perfect and nothing needs 'changing'. Everything flows in perfect order, and is continually moving through toward a greater state of existence [w], for even if turmoil occurs in the here and now - it must initially and to voluntary depths, as required, for there to be an up-springing toward a greater state of existence" [a] — fathom-ably termed as entropy, known as the Rubber Band Analogy in unison with the universal law that that which creates an action creates an opposite reaction in turn [b][c].

How do you look at the idea of an experience of negativity in a positive way? There is always that wonderful Rubber Band Analogy. The darker you've experienced the darkness when you finally let go, that much farther and faster will you fly into the light.

Each individual has an aptitude toward their uniquely refined distinguishment. Such aptitude enables the distinct to serve the multitudes and the multitude to promulgate distinctiveness, each benefiting of and by the other, serving as the mark of progress whether forth-coming or entropically, initially (see: Wu wei). To "Be" under a guise not deemed as a stepping stone for self toward a greater and inspiring end persists such representation as part and parcel of the problem faced. It is of duty for each to follow one's north-compass diligently for such is what advances shared realism through constructivity in a challenging yet encompassing avenue, complementary to one's developmental expansion of spirit, cultivating the grand journey of life opposite inequities distilling toward such lack of purpose and fulfillment prompting transgression and inopportuneness on the macro-cosmic level [z].

Closely defined systems invariably become obstacles to advancement, and we are not concerned with new philosophies of life. Our purpose is the living of a greater and a greater life, and in such a life all philosophies must constantly change. — Christian D. Larson

2) "Injustice and oppression must be countered against and reconciled toward equity of justness" [d][e]. The spiritual traditions which champion causes serving as artifices toward such contributions [f]; the many traditions and texts furthermore grant (κλέος) in pointing toward purposeful existence and fulfillment (or lack-thereof) within, whence hearkening such nature. Yet the placement of all being in perfect harmony at each moment in time under all circumstances presently-encountered defines abundance of one's faith in the correctness of the Divine Plan in so far as all is accounted for under creational aspect of events on man and his being, who furthermore is relegated to deal with that which he is enabled to handle [g][h], propagating the aforementioned perspective of 'perfect order' to the rehabilitation of self as the micro amidst the macro [i][k][l], in-turn supporting the perspective that all is well in so far as one cares for oneself personally, thus then contributing to viewing the world in accordance. Such infinite capacity eliminates polar opposite spectrums, bringing peace to the bearer [j], pointedly revealing the ideal of each's state of awareness, proving once-more the notion of there being not one way to live, and thus relegating life to both an art and a science [m]. Energies and rhythms, causes and effects  encapsulating everything good and evil as giving rise to an inevitable chain of consequential hap-stances [y] [2520].

Where does the line draw?
The key belies in appointing which battles are worth forth sacrificing (from the Latin word 'sacer,' which means “to make sacred"). The true ideal is for all to pursue toward 'utmost' in a most productive of manners, enabling a purposeful constructivity, and to eliminate systems inhibiting such expressions — dogmatic paradigms disallowing independent inquiry and atonement; institutions based upon presupposed regurgitation rather than the reinforcement of particular aptitude(s) highlighted toward aptitudinal development of creative capacities. These basic truths, worthy of being the focus a among life-long curricula, must be set as the foundation for individual-burgeoning and intra-personal prosperity [o].

Resistance is futile. Join the Enlightened.

Is the world perfect and no system shall be challenged, oshall the fight for injustice be taken up in so far as "imperfection" pervades? The ideal notion of "perfection" for simplification's sake is noted as equity and fairness of treatment spanning across opportunity and inclusiveness, beyond boundary and credenceWhen 'individual' is strengthened enough to maintain a moral and principled self, therein may content evolve toward services of great good. Sin relays as an injustice towards oneself fore-mostly [r], thus then helping another helps the self whereby under such regard, a just leader carries a high reward whence containing power and authority utilized toward impartiality.

What reinforces the want of an individual to act rightly? The universe, and all therein spiritually and without. If penalties reside in the hereafter, the subjective realism of one's afterlife filled with wrath surely is inconceivable enough for many to unheed, surmounting into continual destructivity in the micro and macro sphere of reality-experience by free-choiceUniversal order may bring relatively-timed karmic repercussion, directly or indirectly, whether consciously noticeable or nay, and yet one may claim universal consequential-disciplining does not exist, for the provocateur states bewilderingly the lack of need to be: "of witness [...] for the bearer's intelligence would already, throughout epochs, depicted that such acts anoint respective repercussions unto self through parallel avenues", thus leading to the cessation of direct results and action-sewn consequences.

In due time, man in his wisdom recognizes patterns of success and failure based upon principled law[s] (v); and yet where does human nature cease via adaptation and evolution?

God has nothing to fear. The Infinite knows no enemy, for there is no opposition. It has no fight, argument, or battle. It is at peace within Itself. You are the taker from the Infinite in order to be the giver to the Infinite. — Raymond Charles Barker

What method does calculation play in the scheme of repercussions under the guise of intention acting as the respective language of the universal creative force? Such discernment inhibits justification for deliberate incomprehension, unaware of the cause and effects others define unto such, standing as beings in the right with justifications deemed rational by their own merit. And seemingly, they rightfully justify such, escaping blame or punishment. Such lack of culpability enables without a need for heeding a change of action due to the forthright lack in there being direct consequence(s); such being as that part of creation that is valid, juxtaposingly valuable, and duly existential toward initial notioning of notion 1), that all things are perfect, for all stands under jurisdiction of divine intelligence, by The Embodiment of Peace, and thus, in accordance to nature and her Plan [s].

All things are in the universe, and the universe is in all things: we in it, and it in us; in this way everything concurs in a perfect unity. — Giordano Bruno

In this life journey, roads traveled vary in destination amidst calculable effects such experiences impart upon the self. Some have been debilitated and coerced to a degree upon which they have been coaxed toward productive ends, or nay, wherein hobbies enable liberation through sorts beyond insecurities and fears; the basic formulation of which being "happiness". For we have the All within us, thus to traverse is to catalyze for change. Under such hypothetical provisions, if all was truly correct with perfection, would growth of self exist? Surely "free-will" disables in as much as nature enables. And yet nature disables in as much as free-will is able to overcome through exploration of the natural's all-encompassment, under the guise of curiosity, study, implementation, refinement, and mastery  deemed through evolution, and nay through discoveries of limitations based upon ethereal constructs of societal prejudice, thought-pattern and systemic functioning of the construct. 

World systems shall be challenged to the extent that one feels enabled enough to challenge where such system(s) lacks universal benefit for the individual based on characteristic means. Such challenging is worth combating, for the individual fights against the suppression of their individuality and infinite beingness  an ideal hearkened on the basis of that which represents justified validation for what is subjectively owed and shall never allow to be stripped away. One may claim, albeit, that the growth of the individual is based upon versatility among the system, where one 'learns about oneself'", and yet the contrarian may anoint such a cop-out, maintaining similarity among populace and gained-insight upon the self under terms of prejudice and insecurity and fears permitted by the self, for the self. The construct(s) of the system limits such excitement and fluidity thus debilitating due-diligence toward self as a result of the courage and grit essential to achieving such in a reality plastered by conformity. And thus, nature and human-nature serve as caps of effectiveness in an imperfect assembly persistently regurgitating forms of function following limitation  whence mastered, may then rubber-band into parallel functionality.

In order to understand our moment in history and where we can go in the future, we have to know what brought us here. In order to be strategically intelligent, we need to be able to comprehend the sources of our world. Our world is shaped by our worldview. How we approach reality is defined by the kinds of assumptions we have about that reality, and that, in turn, shapes reality and feeds it back to us. The subject and the object are deeply implicated in each other... In this sense, it's very important for us to understand the sources of our worldview and therefore the whole history of our philosophies, our sciences, our religions that have led us to this point and shaped the worldview that we now find ourselves in. — Richard Tarnas

Achievement counters the base infrastructure of a system moduled as a factory to keep constancy a static existence, prevalent, in so far as dogma exists to maintain fundamental control upon an existential reality. Such in itself is revolutionary. And they to shun folk from reaching for its attainment, which has dampened their true potential, are truly the delusional for they do not self-define as failures yet rather exercise their will in ways supplementing the forsakenness of their highest ideal and utmost caliber. Those to obtain so as to attain seek for life representation under a greater realism of truth and of occurrence than folk whom view themselves superior in a system where superiority is made impossible for its own pervasive sake of survival. For the greater good is unmet, and what is superiority in light of progress but that which is non-existent, granting unto self an authority among a collectivist paradigm. The irony of impossibility; the collectivist paradigm lacking any trajectory upwards, and yet the mockery and alienation only reinforcing such delusion where "delusion" would free self of such; the result of propaganda spewed from amidst the all-evanescent programming [x].

The systemic construct prizes the flock mentality for its own sovereign nourishment beyond survival, sustaining the system in turn, contributing and working as a perfection of man-made evolutionism en mass scale yet driving forth imperfection and division prompting capability for action [i]. Therein, the individual must battle for intra-narration and formulation. Amidst the conflagration, must the fight uphold for the survival of one's yearnings, at any cost, for such leads toward fluidity of excitement & evolution of self. For there does the battle-cry reside and therein is spoken of, that, "That is the War": of energy and rhythm. To inspire.

Above the constructs of social norm, stars in the dark recesses of casualness, out of this then  what the average public lives in and buys into; above and beyond; skilled at the game found within selves; micro-existential-entropy toward the light within. The competitiveness may not be escaped, both imbued amidst the arena facing macro-existential entropy amidst the inner darkness of self with aptitude and wherewithal of presentable resources. Martyrdom, the test. Technology, the cultivator of non-humanist ethics where war and conflict reside, in turn leading to disconnect among humanity exacerbating 'otherliness' [n].

Often, notwithstanding, was I blamed, and by half-strangers hated, for my so-called Hardness, my indifferentism towards men; and the seemingly ironic tone I had adopted, as my favorite dialect in conversation. Alas, the panoply of Sarcasm was but a buckram case, wherein I had striven to envelope myself; that so my own poor Person might live safe there, and in all friendliness, being no longer exasperated by wounds. Sarcasm I now see to be, in general, the language of the Devil; for which reason I have long since as good as renounced it. But how many individuals did I, in those days, provoke into some degree of hostility thereby! An ironic man, with his sly stillness, and ambuscading ways, more especially a young ironic man, from whom it is least expected, may be viewed as a pest to society. — Thomas Carlyle

Only men of inspiration shall be leaders. For inspiration enables vision. Too often, men of Vision are solely depicted, with prejudices and mental paradigms serving visions deemed uninspired by investors whom live unto self, free and fluid, benefiting from constructs of shadow and darkness befallen unto dunces. From inspiration comes all attributes of a leader: vision, courage. Such inspiration shall be that of divine constructivity, for where does divine come from: spiritual resonance within self, and NATURE, enabling elevated frequencies of rhythmic self [t]. Service self through what is purposeful and brings light unto the heart of thy spirit; that which expands albeit however dis-comfortable [u]. Evolution - the truest constant. The intangible carries the highest worth. The way of light is that of growth, darkness being the father of failure and mother of destitution.

All that exists is what it is only within the limits of a certain and very small scale. On another scale it becomes something else. In other words, every thing and every event has a certain meaning only within the limits of a certain scale, when compared with things and events of proportions not very far removed from its own. — P.D. Ouspensky

The All is an aspect of God. The justification of all expressions, boundaried by one’s own character as the motivation amidst the universal will (law) and order (karma; “to reap what is sewn”). Whichever way leads to justification, peace, and wisdom through the position of empathy and understanding, and utmostly, compassion  such is the energy and rhythm of existence, infinite in workings. The energy and rhythm of all in existence being equally justified may lead one to idleness and acceptance of all which comes, heedless to justice and progress, and much else. And such too is passable, for it is of free-will right for each to select the means they so deem appropriate to experience. The infinite perspectives, equally valid for existing, at its root, and yet championed wholesomely by folk for varying reasons, sometimes individualistically, other times en masse. The individualistic side is the side that grants the greatest potential en masse, whence once done through that conformed to the current system, produces the impact an avant-garde is capable of harnessing and exemplifying for.

A rigid mind is an extreme, and a complementary at best. Intolerance and lack of content to acceptance of conditions makes one resent and lack perceptivity toward truths. Truth defines intelligence  self-awareness and growth  a pre-requisite for fulfillment.

What is the final expression of humanity? The union of a spirit of love with a spirit of wisdom lifts the creature into the divine state in which the soul is woman and the body man... In which the spirit is supreme over the form.   

How we are programmed at birth.mp3

Tuning In.mp3

There are only two known elements in the whole universe, energy and matter. — Napoleon Hill

Life proceeds out of your intentions for it. This is the fuel that drives the engine of creation in your life.  — Neale Donald Walsch

You live in the landscape of your thoughts until they merge to become reality.  — Tony Fahkry

Everyone and everything that shows up in our life is a reflection of something that is happening inside of us. — Alan Cohen

The government of the world is so ordered that each soul gets every chance for its full development, and it reaps the fruit of all its activities. If it breaks away from Allah's Grace, it suffers, but no injustice is done to anyone: on the contrary, Allah's Bounty is always beyond man's deserts. — Qur'an | 4760.

The absolute cannot manifest its will in our world and that this will manifests itself only in the form of mechanical laws and cannot manifest itself by violating these laws. — P.D. Ouspensky

Everyone who is seriously involved in the pursuit of science becomes convinced that a spirit is manifest in the laws of the universe. — Albert Einstein

Shall I not have intelligence with the earth? Am I not partly leaves and vegetable mold myself. — Henry David Thoreau

Science can do many wonderful things: it could then: it can now. But the mystery of Life baffled science then, as it continues to baffle science now, after many centuries of progress. — Qur'an | 303.

Don’t think about why you question, simply don’t stop questioning. Don’t worry about what you can’t answer, and don’t try to explain what you can’t know. Curiosity is its own reason. Aren’t you in awe when you contemplate the mysteries of eternity, of life, of the marvelous structure behind reality? And this is the miracle of the human mind—to use its constructions, concepts, and formulas as tools to explain what man sees, feels and touches. Try to comprehend a little more each day. Have holy curiosity. — Albert Einstein

It is certainly true that most men need some kind of a God. A few, and they are the men of genius, do not bow to an alien law. The rest try to justify their doings and misdoings, their thinking and existence (at least the menial side of it), to some one else, whether it be the personal God of the Jews, or a beloved, respected, and revered human being. It is only in this way that they can bring their lives under the social law. — Otto Weininger

Truth is stranger than fiction, but it is because Fiction is obliged to stick to possibilities; Truth isn't. — Mark Twain

To the one who has better understanding, the complex is simple. The secret to understanding everything in a simple way is to get to the essence of things and see how they fit into the bigger picture of all things. It is to know the microcosm of a thing as well as the macrocosm. When you know the quantum level and also the meta level, you can know all levels in between easily and completely.
Nothing is complex, everything is simple. It all depends how it is organized. The complex is made simple through organization.
The deeper your understanding, the simpler everything becomes to you. That is because you are getting to the essence of things. The deeper you go, the higher you ascend. What’s behind everything is also what’s above everything. To see from the highest and most fundamental place is to understand everything in life, the universe and destiny from the perspective of consciousness and reality creation. It is because consciousness is everything. It is consciousness alone that creates and directs all things.

I regard consciousness as fundamental. I regard matter as derivative from consciousness. We cannot get behind consciousness. Everything that we talk about, everything that we regard as existing, postulates consciousness. — Max Planck

The stream of knowledge is heading towards a non-mechanical reality; the Universe begins to look more like a great thought than like a great machine. Mind no longer appears to be an accidental intruder into the realm of matter... we ought rather hail it as the creator and governor of the realm of matter. Get over it and accept the inarguable conclusion. The universe is immaterial-mental and spiritual. —  James Jeans

The universal medicine for the Soul is the Supreme Reason and Absolute Justice; for the mind, mathematical and practical Truth; for the body, the Quintessence, a combination of light and gold. — Albert Pike

Observe constantly that all things take place by change, and accustom thyself to consider that the nature of the Universe loves nothing so much as to change the things which are to make new things like them. For everything that exists is in a manner the seed of that which will be. The cave you fear to enter holds the treasure you seek. — Joseph Campbell

Accept people, situations, circumstances, and events as they occur . . . know that this moment is as it should be, because the whole universe is as it should be. This moment — is the culmination of all the moment you have experienced in the past. This moment is as it is because the entire universe is as it is. When you struggle against this moment, you're actually struggling against the entire universe. Instead, you can make the decision that today you will not struggle against the whole universe struggling against this moment . . . You can wish for things in the future to be different, but in this moment you have to accept things as they are . . . And if you can accept things as they are, you are ready to take responsibility for your situation and for all the events you see as problems . . . Once you do this, every so-called upsetting situation will become an opportunity for the creation of something new and beautiful, and every so-called tormentor or tyrant will become your teacher. Whenever confronted by a tyrant, tormentor, teacher, friend, or foe (they all mean the same thing) remind yourself, "This moment is as it should be." Whatever relationships you have attracted in your life at this moment are precisely the ones you need in your life at this moment. There is a hidden meaning behind all events, and this hidden meaning is serving your own evolution. — Deepak Chopra

The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new. — Socrates

Souls are eternal, paths cross many times, love is more than emotion, kindness prevails, science and mathematics are cool, spirituality is powerful. Unity for all.

For the wise man looks into space and he knows there is no limited dimension. — Lao Tzu

Do not feel lonely, the entire universe is inside you. Stop acting so small. You are the universe in ecstatic motion. Set your life on fire. Seek those who fan your flames. — Rumi

The race is made up of individuals, and the place to begin is with the person who believes in the greater possibility. Each one, for himself, must work out the law of his own being. It is within the power of every man to completely change his environment and completely heal his body. Whether or not he will do this depends entirely upon his own conviction and his own determination. Nature attends him on the way and is always ready to serve; but he is an individual and nothing will ever be forced upon him. Let any one follow the Law, comply with Its nature, and consistently apply himself to right thinking and living, and he will prove to himself that life holds all and more than he has ever imagined. — Ernest Holmes

If you take away the fear of failure and you give people the power to dream, amazing things can happen. How do you do that? We as humans have been programmed to think from the mindset of scarcity. Once you can change your mindset from the mindset of scarcity to the mindset of abundance, you suddenly realize nothing but the potential you have rather than the things that can't be done. So think about it, what do we fight over? We fight over land. We fight over water. We fight over food. Now just think for a second, when we look at our solar system, and we look down, the Earth is nothing but one pale blue dot. A tiny dot that no one can ever even see. And we fight over that space. What if going to any planet becomes as easy as going from here to New York. Do we still have a scarcity of land? The answer is no. (...) The mindset of abundance changes everything. (...) Every single thing that we think is scarce can be created in abundance. — Naveen Jain

A Manifesto
Working with a paradox
Defining the elusive
Visualizing the Invisible
Communicating the incommunicable
Not accepting the limitations society has accepted
Seeing in new ways
Living for a fraction of a second and penetrating light years
Using intellect and instinct to achieve intuition
Striving to surpass human limitations by searching the
Mysteries and probing the silent universe alive with
Hidden creativity.
Achieving total self-consciousness and self-awareness
Probing to locate the center of things - the true inner core
Of inherent but not yet understood meaning - and expose it
To be analyzed
Being creatively obsessive
Questioning, reasoning, analyzing, dissecting and re-examining
Understanding that everything has further meaning, that
Order has been created out of chaos, but order when it 
Reaches a certain totality must be shattered by new
Disorder and by new inquiries and developments
Finding new concepts recognizing new patterns 
Understanding the finitude of human existence and still
Striving to create beauty and provocative reasoning
Recognizing and Interpreting the relationship of creative
Elements to each other. People to People, People to God. People
to Nature. Nature to Nature. Thought to Thought. Art to Art.
Living reality and still being able to dream
Desiring to know the importance or insignificance of existence
Persisting in the eternal search
Agnes Denes   1970

It is an understatement to say that the time has arrived for a serious and open international dialogue regarding the possibility of future interplanetary relations. In no other area of human experience has so much evidence existed for so long, and yet been attended by such a paucity of serious research and analysis - at least in the civilian domain. While the subject matter of UFOs itself is extraordinary, it is the absence of a serious human response to it that is most extraordinary. — Steven M. Greer

Our society is the product of an extraterrestrial race that moves and breathes - and even breeds - beneath the surface of all of human history. — Karlos Kukuburra

Life is not confined to our one little Planet. It is a very old speculation to imagine some life like human life on the planet Mars. Though no scientific demonstration is possible, it is reasonable to suppose that Life in some form or other is scattered through some of the millions of heavenly bodies scattered through space. What a wonderful Sign of Allah! The Almighty Who created such countless beings has surely the power to bring them together. — Qur'an | 4569.

War cannot be avoided until the physical cause for its recurrence is removed and this, in the last analysis, is the vast extent of the planet on which we live. Only through annihilation of distance in every respect, as the conveyance of intelligence, transport of passengers and supplies and transmission of energy will conditions be brought about some day, insuring permanency of friendly relations. What we now want is closer contact and better understanding between individuals and communities all over the earth, and the elimination of egoism and pride which is always prone to plunge the world into primeval barbarism and strife... Peace can only come as a natural consequence of universal enlightenment. — Nikola Tesla

CALVIN: If people sat outside and looked at the stars each night, I’ll bet they’d live a lot differently.
HOBBES: How so?
CALVIN: Well, when you look into infinity, you realize that there are more important things than what people do all day.

The more you are aware of the creative process and your place in it, the larger the dimensions of your consciousness and the greater your use of right decisions to keep right on expanding. (...) Intelligence created you and set you free on a path of self-discovery and self-decision. — Raymond Charles Barker

God and Nature first made us what we are, and out of our own creative Genius we make ourselves what we want to be. Follow always that great law. Let God and the sky be our limit and eternity our measurement. There is no height to which you cannot climb without the active intelligence of your own mind. Mind creates, and as much as we desire in nature we can have through the creation of our own minds. Never forget your God. Remember, that we live, work, and pray for a binding racial hierarchy, whose only natural, spiritual and political limits shall be God and “Africa, at home and abroad.” With God’s dearest blessings, I leave you for a while… ONE LOVE — Marcus Garvey

The more informed and thoughtful a person is, the more aware they are of the reality of the spiritual crisis. We live in a world in which mainstream, conventional modern science has essentially voided the cosmos of all intrinsic meaning and purpose. There is no spiritual dimension to it from its point of view. The intellectual power of mainstream modern science has effectively defined what kind of cosmos we live in. And yet human beings aspire for spiritual significance in the life that they lead and in the world that they live in. It is only, I think, though going through a profound inner transformation, and also an intellectual transformation, that one can see beyond that crisis and come into a world of a different kind. — Richard Tarnas

A civilization can't become conscious of itself and can't recognize its own significance until it's so mature that it's approaching its own death. —Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel

As soon as man does not take his existence for granted, but beholds it as something unfathomably mysterious, thought begins. — Albert Schweitzer

The natural interactions between man and his environment will breed more intelligence and generate more knowledge provided the scientific methods that define intelligence in operation are pushed further into the mysteries of the world, being themselves promoted and improved in the operation. — John Dewey

Destiny is not where we wait for God to push us. You know always in your heart that you need God. . . but do you not know, too, that God needs you -- in the fullness of His eternity needs you?. . . The world is not divine sport. It is divine destiny. . . . We take part in creation, meet the Creator, reach out to Him, helpers and companions. — Martin Buber

In questions of science, the authority of a thousand is not worth the humble reasoning of a single individual. — Galileo Galilei

This institution will be based on the illimitable freedom of the human mind. For here we are not afraid to follow truth wherever it may lead, nor to tolerate any error so long as reason is left free to combat it. — Thomas Jefferson

One of the great paradoxes of the liberal democratic culture, that once we make the assumption that everybody is "entitled to their opinion", we have a world that is entrenched with not their own opinions, but it has been inherited through philosophical positions. That there is no Truth. That everything is relative, and there are only small case t's. "Your truth is your truth and my truth is my truth"; this has led to destruction. Once you reduce the world to this level effect of everything being equal in its importance, then where is there room for real Truth? This is why we talk about values now, not virtues. What's expensive in one place is cheap in another place. As opposed to virtue, which means True (in Latin), and this is what religious traditions have taught: virtue. This is what has been removed from the modern society - virtue - and virtue is Truth. Honesty is a virtue in every culture on this planet; courage, generosity, wisdom, understanding. These are all universal virtues. Faith, hope, charity. This is how the ancients understood the world. — Shaykh Hamza Yusuf

There is no question that if we look around at the world today, we cannot avoid the fact that something big is dying. We are watching it and we are experiencing it. But the great challenge that all of us face as individuals is also being faced by our civilization. That is, can we go through that death at an inner level? Can we recognize the great spiritual, archetypal dimension to that death and go through it at that level? Or, will we be unconscious, blind to that deeper reality and act out self-destructively by making our world ecologically unlivable or killing each other in nationalistic competition, or whatever? Those are the choices. — Richard Tarnas

Alas, our technology has marched ahead of our spiritual and social evolution, making us, frankly, a dangerous people. [...] The secrecy hasn't been enforced because the government thinks people are going to freak out when they find we're not alone in the universe, not in 1999. What will be shocking is the scandal of the last 50 years of ecosystem destruction, when we've had the technology to avoid it since the late '50s. — Steven M. Greer

In spite of these spectacular strides in science and technology, and still unlimited ones to come, something basic is missing. There is a sort of poverty of the spirit which stands in glaring contrast to our scientific and technological abundance. The richer we have become materially, the poorer we have become morally and spiritually. We have learned to fly the air like birds and swim the sea like fish, but we have not learned the simple art of living together as brothers . . . Enlarged material powers spell enlarged peril if there is not proportionate growth of the soul.  — Martin Luther King Jr.

Everything we need to live and enjoy life is provided to us on the planet, but because of ego, greed, shame, fear and xenophobia we live in a world where basic human rights are not guaranteed to all people and some people live without access to suitable drinking water and food.

It is impossible to study a system of the universe without studying man. At the same time it is impossible to study man without studying the universe. MAN is an image of the world. He was created by the same laws which created the whole of the world. By knowing and understanding himself he will know and understand the whole world, all the laws that create and govern the world. And at the same time by studying the world and the laws that govern the world he will learn and understand the laws that govern him. In this connection some laws are understood and assimilated more easily by studying himself. The study of the world and the study of man must therefore run parallel, one helping the other. — P.D. Ouspensky

When one compares this order with older classifications that belong to earlier stages of natural science one sees that one has now divided the world not into different groups of objects but into different groups of connections. In an earlier period of science one distinguished, for instance, as different groups minerals, plants, animals, men. These objects were taken according to their group as of different natures, made of different materials, and determined in their behavior by different forces. Now we know that it is always the same matter, the same various chemical compounds that may belong to any object, to minerals as well as animals or plants; also the forces that act  between the different parts of matter are ultimately the same in every kind of object. What can be distinguished is the kind of connection which is primarily important in a certain phenomenon. For instance, when we speak about the action of chemical forces we mean a kind of connection which is more complicated or in any case different from that expressed in Newtonian mechanics. The world thus appears as a complicated tissue of events, in which connections of different kinds alternate or overlap or combine and thereby determine the texture of the whole. — Werner Heisenberg

I think all of us want to be good. It's just part of our nature. Even mass murderers have some rationalization of why they're actually good. — David Brooks

The aims and ideals that move us are generated through imagination. But they are not made out of imaginary stuff. They are made out of the hard stuff of the world of physical and social experience. — John Dewey

The hero is a sort of monster who is immune to pain and suffering: he is on the side of life. The world is for him a place where things are engendered, brought to life. Life reveals itself to him as art. He enjoys life by rearranging it according to his needs. He may say that he is doing it for humanity, but we know that he is also a liar. The hero is a man who says to himself-this is where things happen (not somewhere else). He acts as if he were at home in the world. For others, they are seldom at home, and Life, as it is called, is for most of us one long postponement. And the simple reason for it is: FEAR.

When people do not want to see something, they get mad at the one who shows them. They kill the messenger. Art opens the closets, airs out the cellars and attics. It brings healing. But before a wound can heal it must be seen, and this act of exposing the wound to air and light, the artist's act, is often reacted to with shaming. The act of making art exposes a society to itself. Art brings things to light. It illuminates us. It casts a beam into the heart of our own darkness and says, "see?" — Julia Cameron

Some people claim that these are difficult times for humanity, but I don't think so. The times are not bad. Some people are bad perhaps. The moon, the sun, and the stars have not failed in their duties. The seasons appear and disappear just as they always have. Real men and women don't change. They finally find themselves and they turn toward God. By real men and women I mean the truly human beings. I am not talking about animals who appear in human shape. I am talking about those who are human, as humans are meant to be. I have seen many who have appeared to be sinners and evil, bad people, who have become wonderful examples of real human beings. (...) Each of us has a treasure hidden within. (...) when you find this inner treasure, then you will become a real human being (...) Those who say "God" must know that humanity is divine. We are all divine. We belong to God. We are neither the before nor are we the after. We are a part of truth. When that is forgotten, when that remembrance is erased from our heads, then we are in danger. But that has not happened. — Muzaffer Ozak

When the world knows beauty as beauty, ugliness arises. When it knows good as good, evil arises. Thus, being and non-being produce each other. — Tao Te Ching

Never be afraid to raise your voice for honesty and truth and compassion against injustice and lying and greed. If people all over the world would do this, it would change the earth. — William Faulkner

Good and evil does not exist. At a fundamental level, there is really no good and evil in the universe. Everything just is. It is perception that frames reality. Good and evil is based on perception. Therefore the perception of good and evil depends on the one perceiving it. If you perceive something as good, then to you it is good. If you perceive something as evil, then to you it is evil. We can choose our own frame of reality or we can choose to follow the frame set by another in his perception of good and evil. — Noctis Enoch

We are all inventors, each sailing out on a voyage of discovery, guided each by a private chart, of which there is no duplicate. The world is all gates, all opportunities. — Ralph Waldo Emerson

We are all visitors to this time, this place. We are just passing through. Our purpose here is to observe, learn, grow, love and then we return home. — Aboriginal

Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. — Aleister Crowley

Do I contradict myself? Very well, then I contradict myself, I am large, I contain multitudes. — Walt Whitman

Humans follow the laws of Earth. 
Earth follows the laws of Heaven. 
Heaven follows the laws of Tao. 
Tao follows the laws of Nature.

One god, One law, One element and one far off divine element to which the creation moves.  Alfred, Lord Tennyson

We need to discern who we are and expand on our humanness and sacredness. That's how we change the world, which happens because WE will be the change. — Grace Lee Boggs

The World is before you and you need not take it or leave it as it was when you came in. — James Baldwin

We have not just reached planetary boundaries, we have overstepped them. And once you realize that, you begin to say, "so, what is the consequence of that?", and you begin to understand that what I was taught as a young child, as a young woman, as the definition of zero-sum game in which what you win is my loss, and what I win is your loss - frankly, doesn't have a place anymore because if you have reached and overstepped planetary boundaries, the fact is either we all win or we all lose together. That's the new interpretation of zero-sum. And I think it was that understanding that we frankly all have to win together. (...) We're all on this one planet together. (...) As we rise, we converge. Because as we rise in our awareness of deep humanity, of our divine in us, of the spiritual in us, of the best of the human in us, that's where we converge, that's what we have in common. And in as much as we reflect that and live with that, then solidarity comes as a natural next step, and then agreements are also a natural next step. — Christiana Figueres

To know nature is to know one portion of the Creator. To know yourself is to know another portion of the Creator. Because what is within mirrors what is outside, and what is outside mirrors what is within, knowing both nature and yourself makes for a straight path toward knowing the Creator.

The human world is always on the way to perfection, and the understanding of this process of perfection is one of mankind's biggest joys, and this joy is accessible to every person.

It's not about earning, it's about RECEIVING
It's not about effort, it's about VIBRATION
It's not about doing, it's about THINKING
Most people are observing what is instead of dreaming what will be.
You attract your experiences through belief
Your choices are always supported by Creation
You are a non-physical consciousness that is experiencing physical reality
Move into a state of being where you convince your brain and body that your wish is already fulfilled. Then get up and live as if your prayer is already answered. The moment you start to analyze and try to figure out where it's gonna come from you just return back to the old self. The new self would never think that way. You are empowered by your mind in your interaction with the field of intelligence that everybody has access to."
One of the biggest mistakes people make when they think about God is to imagine God as impersonal. Yes, God is behind the numbers, the perfection of the universe that science measures and struggles to understand. But - again, paradoxically - God is "human" as well - even more human than you and I are. God understands and sympathizes with our human situation more profoundly and personally than we can even imagine because God knows what we have forgotten, and understands the terrible burden it is to live with amnesia of the Divine for even a moment.

You came to Earth to learn how to deal with the energy and to be a master co-creator. Everything is energy. Once you learn to deal with the energy, you can get whatever you want. Everything is possible.

The suppression of the UFO phenomena is hand-in-hand with the suppression of so called free energy.

I think that nothing can be more important than interplanetary communication. It will certainly come some day, and the certitude that there are other human beings in the universe, working, suffering, struggling, like ourselves, will produce a magic effect on mankind and will form the foundation of a universal brotherhood that will last as long as humanity itself. — Nikola Tesla

The world around us is a production of pure magic, a magnificent illusion. It appears to us as real because we are as much a part of the illusion as everything else. In fact, it is we who are the master magicians, as it is we who are the creators of the illusion. — Kalika

It's very hard to take yourself too seriously when you look at the world from outer space. — Thomas Mattingly

As has so often happened in human history, something that seems to threaten us from outside, or challenges a worldview, tends to be perceived as demonic, which of course has provided the television and film industries with almost limitless commercial opportunities. — John E. Mack

The abduction phenomenon forces us, (...) if we permit ourselves to take it seriously, to reexamine our perception of human identity -- to look at who we are from cosmic perspective. — John E. Mack

Almost always the men who achieve these fundamental inventions of a new paradigm have been either very young or very new to the field whose paradigm they change. And perhaps that point need not have been made explicit, for obviously these are the men who, being little committed by prior practice to the traditional rules of normal science, are particularly likely to see that those rules no longer define a playable game and to conceive another set that can replace them. — Thomas S. Kuhn

Optimism is one step to enlightenment. One step toward the truth. The truth of the Universe is, there is good and bad in everything. The perfect life is the one which requires the most work and pain, but which offers the deepest pleasure. The truth gets even simpler than that. Everything is exactly what it is. You can have this, and the alternative is that, whatever you chose, you WILL receive all of it. Enjoy the benefits of whatever befalls you completely, because you WILL experience the disadvantages completely.

Everything in this Universe is connected in some kind of way. Because it all comes from one source. The source is cut in pieces, and the source lives itself out, but you think you're your own person. That's why you think, 'oh, if I do this it won't hurt anybody else', but everything you do affects everything else.

When we heal the Earth we heal ourselves. — David Orr

Tao. There's no need to possess it. You are it, and by trying to possess it you imply that you're not. So, by trying to catch hold of it, you, as it were, push it away... Although you can't really push it away because the very pushing is all it. You see? — Alan Watts

What you think you become. What you feel you attract. What you imagine you create. — Buddha

The yearning for our lost perfection, the urge to do and be that which is the noblest, the most beautiful of which we are capable, is the creative impulse of every high achievement. We strive for perfection here because we long to be restored to our oneness with God. — Paramahansa Yogananda

Why do anything? What's the meaning of life? I came to the conclusion that what we really need to do is make sure that life continues on to the future, and particularly conscious life, and in doing so, we'll be better to understand the nature of the Universe and achieve greater enlightenment. — Elon Musk

The clearest way into the Universe is through a forest wilderness. — John Muir

What we know about Genes, is that genes don't operate on their own. DNA doesn't operate on it's own. It's a protein that reads the environment. And the environment of a protein is not just a physical environment -- it's your mind. The things you believe. what you believe and perceive writes on your genes. It literally impresses upon your genetic make-up.. So if you're constantly feeling sad, worried, depressed, this is the cause of many diseases. And this is what this society is trying to do. It's trying to create to the genes to be depressed, to be sad, to be defeated, basically. unmotivated. De-energized. "Turned down, turn it down". That's what the society is actually trying to do.. So those who find it within themselves to stay happy, stay joyous, stay energized in a society that's literally trying to break you down,,, this is a superhuman.... because everything that makes the human human, is your DNA. DNA is like a little version of you. Cells are the smallest unit of consciousness. 100 trillion cells running through your body right now. The same amount of cells in your body is the same amount of stars in the Milky Way Galaxy. We're all built fractally. So yeah, you would match the universe like that. (the microcosm of the macrocosm). As it is above, so it is below. The macro represents the micro, the micro represents the macro. So when you have that knowledge, you really stand on it; wait a minute, I'm a smaller version of the Universe. I'm not just here. Like, I'm not what you are calling me.. or what this society is trying to turn me into. No, we know nature. Nature itself is a closed system (there's no death). Energy exchanges with each other. Now, what energy are you. What moves you. What frequency do you pick up naturally. — KRS-ONE

As is the microcosm, so is the macrocosm, As is the atom, so is the universe, As is the human mind, so is the cosmic mind. — Deepak Chopra

Therefore, we may consequently state that: this world is indeed a living being endowed with a soul and intelligence...a single visible living entity containing all other living entities, which by their nature are all related. — Plato

The paired concept of Macrocosm and Microcosm presents the idea that there is a corresponding similarity in pattern, nature, or structure between human beings and the universe. The concept of microcosm/macrocosm views man as a smaller representation of the universe and the universe as an anthropomorphic existence.

All of the answers you seek can be found in the macro-cosmic view of the microcosmic You. — KA Chinery

You cannot define yourself in reference to other external coordinates, you must define yourself internally with your relationship with a higher entity. Think of yourself as a manifestation of some higher "thing", some higher frequency. This is the visible realization. And you know that because you can't see atoms, can you? You certainly can't see the forces that hold atoms together. There in the micro quantum world [...] lie the answers to everything. We can't understand it with our logical rational minds, but we feel it, intuitively. Get yourself in alignment with that stuff and you BEAM like the sun. — Russell Brand

Dream no small dreams for they have no power to move the hearts of men. — Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

The ancient Brahmans in India (...) they held firm the belief that prayers were to be projected vocally into the universe. Your wavelengths from your voice shoot out into the universe, forever. Sure, at a certain point we don't hear it anymore in a contemporary sense, but one of the principles of science is that energy is never destroyed. That energy is being created, magnified from inside of you. It shoots out of your lungs and diaphragm, and your vocal chords. (...) think of the opera singer who breaks the glass with her voice. The drill sergeant that strikes fear into his recruits. The hypnotist whose voice puts one into a trance. An inspiring speech. Job interviews, discussions, commands given to animals... (...) it's a good thing for a man to work or master - his voice and his energy projection. (...) it changes the dynamic of relationships, jobs, love, and life. It comes down to the decisions in front of us. Obviously, we make our choices everyday, and the culmination of those choices really dictates how we (and others) perceive ourselves. How those perceptions change the opportunities around us. How it isn't just "being yourself", as that doesn't really exist in many ways, come to think of it. Being yourself doesn't actually mean anything- it's simply making a certain habitual decision one has become accustomed to. It's laziness, in a way. It's a rejection of expansion or opportunity or change, or even the chance of compromising the better good. I don't think anybody can 'be themselves'; I think its just someone justifying a certain decision over another based on variables that don't really have anything to do with 'them self'. The world will conform to your attitude and personality. It changes like a light switch. But we hold the key to adjusting those. Hence we hold the key to changing the world. See, it's not about the being yourself and the world conforming and accepting it- it's changing the world by being the energy within decisions you're confronted with. — Harry Carlton

Man lives in the satisfaction of his appetites, in fears, in struggle, in vanity, in distraction and amusements, in stupid sports, in games of skill and chance, in greed of gain, in sensuality, in dull daily work, in cares and anxieties of the day, and more than anything else in obedience and in the enjoyment of obedience, because there is nothing that the average man likes better than to obey; if he ceases to obey one force he immediately begins to obey another. He is infinitely remote from anything that is not connected directly with the interests of the day or with the worries of the day, from anything which is little above the material level of his life. If we do not shut our eyes to all this, we shall realize that we cannot, at the best, call ourselves anything but civilized barbarians, that is barbarians possessed of a certain degree of culture. — P. D. Ouspensky

There is no possibility in any man that is not in every man; but if they proceed naturally, no two men will grow into the same thing, or be alike. Every man comes into the world with a predisposition to grow along certain lines, and growth is easier for him along those lines than in any other way. This is a wise provision, for it gives endless variety. It is as if a gardener should throw all his bulbs into one basket; to the superficial observer they would look alike, but growth reveals a tremendous difference. So of men and women; they are like the basket of bulbs. One may be a rose and add brightness and color to some dark corner of the world; one may be a lily and teach a lesson of love and purity to every eye that sees; one may be a climbing vine and hide the rugged outlines of some dark rock; one may be a great oak among whose boughs the birds shall nest and sing, and beneath whose shade the flocks shall rest at noon, but every one will be something worth while, something rare, something perfect. — Wallace D. Wattles

When we live our life contrary to the inner guidance of our soul, our actions often have a disharmonious effect upon ourselves, others and the earth. This is why the evolution of individual human consciousness is intimately linked with the future of this planet. In light of this, the crisis of all physical illness, emotional imbalance and planetary upheaval has but one ultimate purpose: to provide an opportunity that will motivate us to realign our body, mind and emotions with the infinite love, wisdom and healing of our soul. Therefore, whenever we gather the courage to do whatever it takes to end the war within, we contribute directly and immediately to our own healing and transformation as well as to the peace that our world cries out for.  John-Michael

There is always something to do. There are hungry people to feed, naked people to clothe, sick people to comfort and make well. And while I don't expect you to save the world I do think it's not asking too much for you to love those with whom you sleep, share the happiness of those whom you call friend, engage those among you who are visionary and remove from your life those who offer you depression, despair and disrespect. — Nikki Giovanni

If you are true to your self-hood, you will create an atmosphere about you that will permit the vibrations from infinity to reach you. — Floyd Baker Wilson

Past, present and future are controllable. The past can be cleansed. The present can be made fruitful. The future can be what you decide it shall be. — Raymond Charles Barker

The world is good, and growing better. Existing discords and inharmonies are but the rollings of the ship incidental to our own imperfect steering; they will all be removed in due time. This view gives us an increasing outlook and an expanding mind; it enables us to think largely of society and of ourselves, and to do things in a great way.  — Wallace D. Wattles

If you want to awaken all of humanity, then awaken all of yourself, if you want to eliminate the suffering in the world, then eliminate all that is dark and negative in yourself. Truly, the greatest gift you have to give is that of your own self-transformation. — Lao Tzu

In a few decades, the relationship between the environment, resources and conflict may seem almost as obvious as the connection between human rights, democracy, and peace. — Wangari Maathai

That is at bottom the only courage that is demanded of us: to have courage for the most strange, the most singular and the most inexplicable that we may encounter. That mankind has in this sense been cowardly has done life endless harm; the experiences that are called "visions," the whole so-called "spirit-world," death, all those things that are so closely akin to us, have by daily parrying been so crowded out of life that the senses with which we could have grasped them are atrophied. To say nothing of God. — Rainer Maria Rilke

JOHN E. MACK on CHARLIE ROSE, Monday 08/15/1994
A discussion with Dr. John Mack, a Harvard University psychiatrist, who studies people who say they have been abducted by aliens.
John Mack Movie

John Mack TV appearance on The Oprah Winfrey Show

Elon Musk Talks About Aliens

"Ariel Phenomenon" Trailer (2016)

Harvard Psychiatrist says "Experiencers" are Sane, Ordinary People

John E. Mack, M.D. interview on Voice of America

The Man Who Says He Was Abducted by Aliens

Aliens in Quran

Lupe Fiasco Recalls His Extraterrestrial Experience

Dr. John Mack - Shamanism & Alien Abductions.mp3

Alien Life According to the Quran.mp3

Chapter 72 - "The Jinn"
In the name of God, the Gracious, the Merciful.
1. Say, “It was revealed to me that a band of jinn listened in, and said, ‘We have heard a wondrous Quran.
2. It guides to rectitude, so we have believed in it; and we will never associate anyone with our Lord.
3. And Exalted is the Grandeur of our Lord—He never had a mate, nor a child.
4. But the fools among us used to say nonsense about God.
5. And we thought that humans and jinn would never utter lies about God.
6. Some individual humans used to seek power through some individual jinn, but they only increased them in confusion.
7. They thought, as you thought, that God would never resurrect anyone.
8. We probed the heaven, and found it filled with stern guards and projectiles.
9. We used to take up positions to listen in; but whoever listens now finds a projectile in wait for him.
10. We do not know whether ill is intended for those on earth, or if their Lord intends goodness for them.
11. Some of us are righteous, but some of us are less than that; we follow divergent paths.
12. We realized that we cannot defeat God on earth, and that we cannot escape Him by fleeing.
13. And when we heard the guidance, we believed in it. Whoever believes in his Lord fears neither loss, nor burden.
14. Among us are those who are submitting, and among us are the compromisers. As for those who have submitted—it is they who pursue rectitude.
15. But as for the compromisers—they will be firewood for Hell.’”
16. Had they kept true to the Path, We would have given them plenty water to drink.
17. To test them with it. Whoever turns away from the remembrance of his Lord, He will direct him to torment ever mounting.
18. The places of worship are for God. So do not call, besides God, upon anyone else.
19. And when the servant of God got up calling on Him, they almost fell on him in a mass.
20. Say, “I pray only to my Lord, and I never associate anyone with Him.”
21. Say, “It is not in my power to harm you, nor to bring you to right conduct.”
22. Say, “No one can protect me from God, and I will not find any refuge except with Him.
23. Except for a proclamation from God and His messages. He who defies God and His Messenger—for him is the Fire of Hell, in which they will dwell forever.”
24. Until, when they see what they were promised, they will know who is weaker in helpers, and fewer in numbers.
25. Say, “I do not know whether what you are promised is near, or whether my Lord will extend it for a period.”
26. The Knower of the Invisible; He does not disclose His Invisible to anyone.
27. Except to a Messenger of His choosing. He then dispatches guards before him and behind him.
28. That He may know that they have conveyed the messages of their Lord. He encompasses what they have, and has tallied everything by number.

Harvard Psychiatrist Dr. John Mack talks Alien Abductions

Tineke in Zimbabwe / UFO-interview met schoolkinderen / uitzending 27-3-1996

Jacques Vallee, Terrence McKenna, John Mack, Budd Hopkins on the Alien, UFO, Abduction phe

|This Speech Will Change Your Life - Carl Sagan| هذا الخطاب سيغير حياتك - كارل ساقان|

Navy pilot recalls 'out of this world' encounter

Finding Extraterrestrial Life Might Unify Earth's Residents

"Dateline" May 24, 1994 Full Hour includes Dr. John Mack Alien Abduct.

Jeff Bezos Talks Amazon, Blue Origin, Family, And Wealth
> Minute 37:17
> Minute 40:30
> Minute 44:40

Rainn Wilson: The Coming "Spiritual Revolution"

Elon Musk's crazy predictions for the year 2067

(Official Movie) THRIVE: What On Earth Will It Take?

The GREATEST Knowledge Ever Shared (REVISED)

Our Hearts ARE Electromagnetically connected.

The Greatest Secret Of Man-Kind! (Who we really are!)

Neil deGrasse Tyson: The 3 Fears That Drive Us to Accomplish Extraordinary Things

Oz Talk: Jordan Peterson’s Rules to Live By
> Minute 1:50:00
> Minute 2:00:00
> Minute 2:05:00

Russell Brand Will Blow Your Mind [HD]

On The Arial School sighting and Dr. John E Mack ~ Joe Rogan Experience #1510: 
> Min 2:04:00

There is no beginning. Existence only has one quality. To Exist. Time is subject to existence. Existence is not subject to time. Time is a creation within existence, therefore existence itself is timeless. And has no beginning and no ending. It just is. It's just the NOW. — Darryl Anka

I am you; you are ME. You are the waves; I am the ocean. Know this and be free, be divine. — Sathya Sai Baba

All laws can be found in nature, and a person who knows how to read the laws of nature also knows how to read the laws of life. — Mark Fisher

The Universe is a hierarchy that has no bottom and no top. Between the levels of the hierarchy there is an understanding that higher perceptions can be a part of, and are encouraged to be a part of, the experience of lower plane spirits as they strive to expand their own awareness. You are involved in this process, although your personality is unaware of this, because it is done at the level of your soul. — Gary Zukav

Every action generates a force of energy that returns to us in like kind . . . what we sow is what we reap. And when we choose actions that bring happiness and success to others, the fruit of our karma is happiness and success . . . no debt in the universe ever goes unpaid. There is a perfect accounting system in this universe, and everything is a constant "to and fro" exchange of energy. — Deepak Chopra

We are mirrors of all consciousnesses of creation within the fabric of existence itself. that we are a burning flame that is eternal. That we exist now and always shall and that now is the only time and place and existence there is, and always has been and always will be. YOU are eternal, infinite, spirit, idea, expression, thought, soul, body, mind, heart, dream of the infinite creation; the whole expression in your own individualized way. You are everything, everything is you. You are the matrix, the matrix is you; you are everything, and everything gives birth to you. Not one of you can be removed from the matrix without the collapse of the entire structure; you are essential; you have impact within the entirety of creation; you deserve to be the fullest individual you can imagine yourself to be. That you deserve the existence you have been given. That you deserve all the love that you can imagine, because love is what you are made out of. Light is what you are made out of. All is required is the idea of honesty, honesty with the self... The only barriers are ignorance and arrogance. Allow yourself to create, to be.

The higher and lighter the frequency, the closer to the God source one becomes. Eventually, all will become Pure Light at the center of creation, which is God or Spirit or whatever name you choose to call it. As we evolve, gaining wisdom and true understanding about our real essence, we begin to open up more to Love, and to feel our connection with one another and the universe. In the Earth realm, Love is only experienced and known at a low level compared to all that truly exists. The God/Spirit frequency is beyond anything we know. It is Pure Love - It is is Pure Light. As we strive and come closer to that center of creation, we will know Love completely and be totally In the Light.

Maintaining adequately high levels of energy and emotional states is necessary for manifestation of desires. You should keep your personal atmosphere well charged at all times by projecting magnetism into it from time to time. No special times or number of times is absolutely necessary. You must use your own judgment and feeling in this matter. You will soon learn to feel when your magnetic aura is weak, and when it is strong. Having an aura of adequate strength is important to attract desired reality state.
If you are about to come into contact with others whom you wish to influence or who may influence you, you should charge yourself well with magnetism. This means you should generate and project into your personal atmosphere a large amount of magnetism, which will render your aura strong and positive, instead of weak and negative. This rule is applicable to the case of the uses of personal magnetism in your dealing with other persons. You should learn to interact with the energies of others powerfully.

Upon incarnating into a physical body, we experience an occultation of awareness and forget who we are. Then social conditioning and biological impulses draft a false identity upon us that is in total discord with our true spiritual nature. Most people wear this false identity for life and fail to recognize and fulfill their true reasons for incarnating. But for others, intuition and experiences help them realize that there is more to life than the material world (matrix) admits. Throughout life these individuals experience higher impulses guiding them toward becoming lucid in this dream, while simultaneously lower impulses beckon them toward sleep. For those who consistently listen to their higher impulses, inner and outer life transforms and begins to operate under divine instead of material laws, removing limitations of the latter and opening up new possibilities. This is the process of transcending the matrix, using higher laws to override lower ones by developing and purifying one’s internal nature to resonate with higher realms of existence. This is a prerequisite for fulfilling one’s potential.

The ego conscious dilemma- emphasis is placed on the primary self and the satisfaction of your pride, your personality, body, encompassing what you have accumulated for yourself. Then comes group consciousness which moves beyond the self and includes those you relate to as your race, and extended family. At this consciousness, one's behavior is directed by the standards and mentality the group dictates. The greatest consciousness is when the central focus of oneself extends beyond group level consciousness, away from a mass consensus mentality, and rises toward mystical consciousness where you feel connected to every individual, creature, and the entire planet, and the laws of nature.

It was not possible to formulate the laws of quantum mechanics in a fully consistent way without reference to consciousness. -Eugene Wigner


The most important change that is needed by humanity now is to move beyond the boundaries of a limited group identity to a larger sense of being human. When you open self to a connection beyond the material world, beyond the Earth to a larger firmament, to a larger identification with all-that-is, a sense of the sacredness of everything emerges. It opens one to a sense of the divine, what people often call God.


And when that occurs, everything you do, everything you see, every material or non-material object, every person, whatever or whomever you encounter becomes a part of that sacred universe. Any trauma may carry with it the possibility of personal transformation and growth. But the “alien encounter” experience seems different to me because of its specific capacity to shatter the boundaries of the psyche and to open consciousness to a wider sense of existence and connection in the universe.


The so-called alien encounter phenomenon seems to belong to that particular class of phenomena, not even generally accepted as existing by mainstream Western science, that seems not to be of this visible, known, material universe and yet appears to manifest in it.

This engagement with an intelligence (“Source” is the word most often used) through intermediaries (the “aliens”), appears to be part of the evolution of consciousness and the preservation of this planet.

What I find touching about the alien encounter phenomenon is the subtle way that it coaxes us, opens us, sometimes with tough love, sometimes by a seeming indifference, to exceed our expectations. Its methods are to invite, to coax, to show, to give opportunity, but not to do it for us, which is, at its highest level, the way that a person—a parent perhaps—tries to create growth for a child.

Rilke put it perhaps more beautifully than anyone else has. His definition of devotion was the unswerving commitment to standing guard over the privacy of another. He explained the value of this manner of commitment in the following way:

Once the realization is accepted that even between the closest human beings infinite distances continue to exist, a wonderful living side by side can grow up, if they succeed in loving the distance between them which makes it possible for each to see the other whole and against a wide sky.

So, to people who ask why the aliens do not help us overcome our ecological and social problems directly, I would suggest that most of what goes on here is not being done for us; it is showing a way, which is similar to what occurs in the most profound spiritual traditions.


Ultimate responsibility for growth is left to each of us.


Listen to a BBC Special about Dr. Mack.mp3

The greatest philosophers have found a difficulty in understanding the skeptical position when they contemplate the wonder and mystery of the skies with all the countless beautiful stars and planets and light in them, and laws of order, motion, and symmetry, that respond to the highest mathematical abstractions without a flaw. Can blind Chance give rise to such conditions? — Qur'an | 4945.

The study of the numerous regular orbits of the planets and irregularly regular orbits of comets, and the various motions, visible or invisible, of the fixed stars or revolving stars, form in themselves a network of knowledge or science, of a highly technical nature; the highest astronomy or mathematics can only barely reach its fringe. But these have all a fixed Plan and Purpose under Allah's Dispensation. In them variety leads to Unity. — Qur'an | 4993

Uniting Humanity In the Face of Intergalactic Neighbors
Suddenly our problems seem a bit smaller
Knowing life is out there
A species beyond anything to compare
Would help us realize that we need to prepare
And be able to dare
To become more aware
That it's our own fault this world is so unfair
Then maybe together we can look up at the stars and stare
And be happier in the space we all share
Joseph Chavez (c`ville 2018)

Past and Future History.mp3

The Purpose of Life (Maulana).doc The Purpose of Life (Maulana).doc
Size : 31.5 Kb
Type : doc

Critical Human Weaknesses.mp3

Spirit over Matter.mp3

Corresponding sources
Where are all the aliens,
Living the Yin and Yang Lifestyle,
"I AM" | Talks at Google,
Take the world from another point of view,
YIN - YANG, Order and Chaos,
Physicist About Aliens,
Annunaki, Pyramids, and ancient knowledge, Min 18:04:
The Love of Truth,
Bezos on using his fortune for cosmic discovery, Min 44:
Space industry CEO Robert Bigelow says aliens visit Earth,
Redefining reality,
UFO's Are Not what you think,
With This FREQUENCY You Will Manifest Anything In Your Life,
Peter Russell - 'The Great Awakening', Min 50:
Ken Burns and Tom Shadyac,
30 Minutes of Truth,
Everything is connected,
The Empathic Civilization,
Write your own destiny,
The unknowns,
Pharrell sits to talk with tribespeople, their spirituality, inspiration, expression, and purpose,
Stoicism in the shawshank redemption,
The Empathic Civilization,
On climate change and climate policy,
True inspiration,
This Speech Will Change Your Life,
Why I believe in UFOs, and you should too...,
The Hard Problem of AI: Selection from Matrix Science:
On how to exit the Matrix:
On the meaning of Life:
The tragic story of the man-child:
Dark Arts are tempting:
Stories about the multiverse,
Pentagon official on UFO sightings,
Bobby Fischer: Min 56:00 | Min 1:01:00,

Further readings"
Temporal Anomalies:

Complimentary readings

Our Universe is Made of and Governed by Music:
Describing Reality Better Gives Better Control:
Our Reality is Cross Section of Higher Dimension:
We Are Existing in This Realm for A Purpose:
One Consciousness which Everything exists From:
The Subtle Energy System is Your Matrix of Life:
Bringers of the Dawn (transcript):
One Consciousness which Everything exists From:
Our Reality is Cross Section of Higher Dimension:

Life's Operating Manual, by Tom Shadyac
The Science of Mind, by Ernest Holmes
Modern Esoteric, by Brad Olsen
A New Model Of The Universe, by P.D. Ouspensky
Alien Interview, by Matilda O'Donnell MacElroy
Passport To The Cosmos, by John E. Mack
Flying Saucers: A Modern Myth of Things Seen in the Sky, by Carl Jung
The Power Of Decision, by Raymond Charles Barker
The Purpose of Life, by Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
Nothing In This Book Is True, But It's Exactly How Things Are, by Bob Frissell
The Sirius Mystery, by Robert Temple
Genesis Revisited: Is Modern Science Catching Up With Ancient Knowledge?, by Zecharia Sitchin
Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less Hardcover, by Greg McKeown
The Empathic Civilization: The Race to Global Consciousness in a World in Crisis, by Jeremy Rifkin
Beyond Good and Evil, by Friedrich Nietzsche
The Declaration of Independence: A Study in the History of Political Ideas, by Carl L Becker
Suppression of speech as theft from mankind, by Avery Rasmussen
Man’s Search For Himself, by Rollo May
Sixth Sense: Including the Secrets of the Etheric Subtle Body, by Stuart Wilde
The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success, by Deepak Chopra
The Seat of the Soul, by Gary Zukav
The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, by Thomas S. Kuhn
The interrupted journey, by John G. Fuller
Communion, by Whitley Strieber
Missing time, by Hopkins
Intruders: the incredible visitations at Copley woods, by Hopkins
Witnessed, by Hopkins 
Secret life, by CBD BRYAN
Close encounters of the fourth kind, by Knopf
The Tao Of Love, by Ivan Hoffman
The links I have prescribed in an order which I think is helpful in subscribing a broad picture to this subject.
The parts, "John Mack, Harvard psychiatrist" and "Debate..." you'll find will either persuade you and catch your interest, or make you think all this is all "conspiracy" or crazy. These parts represent the brunt of the evidence still unknown 'scientifically' (or at least, it has not been acknowledged among the "public arena" of Science).
Another point is, much of the same knowledge about this subject comes from various sources throughout various periods of time (late 80's, 90's 2000's up until now), which proves integrity of experience/information from people who don't necessarily benefit, nor have interests in spreading this type of information.
Keep this in mind if you distrust some of these viewpoints, not to say that what everyone is saying is absolutely correct, albeit take it for what you will.

4776. | 5085. | 5119. | 5167. | Surah 51, Verse 56.

John Mack, Harvard psychiatrist
abduction documentary -
Oprah Winfrey show -

recent news -

television -
Transcending the Dualistic Mind -
mass sightings - {{{{{ }}}}

Grand finale..
Roswell -
history of atlantis -
Egyptian pyramids -
Reverse engineering ET technology -
nuclear weapons -

Watch: | |
Watch: 9:25 -
Watch: Jack Ma and Elon Musk:

Essay Notations
[g] (Qur’an, 2:286);
[h] (Bible, 1 Corinthians 10:13)
[t] "Nature always wears the colors of the spirit." -Emerson | "One touch of nature makes the whole world kin." -Shakespeare | "Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better." -Einstein
[u]; source:
[v] (37:30; Dr Tariq Ramadan Keynote Speach - Shura Annual Banquet 2014).
[w] The Science of Being Great, by Wallace D. Wattles; Chapter XVI, 'Some Further Explanations'.

We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we're curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths. — Walt Disney
