Energy & Rhythm pushes boundaries en route mind-shifting paradigms of awareness.Energy & Rhythm signifies the "looking outside-of" and the "upward-into" of what Is.Energy & Rhythm looks beyond the physical and into the spiritual; beyond the known, into the unknown.Energy & Rhythmtranscends beyond the construct of old beliefs and definitions as yet another evolution of self, dissolvingconventionality en route metaphysical creation of existence and beingness in the name of Taijitu.
Each individual has an aptitude toward their uniquely refined distinguishment. Such aptitude enables the distinct to serve the multitudes and the multitude to promulgate distinctiveness, each benefiting of and by the other, serving as the mark of progress whether forth-coming or entropically, initially (see: Wu wei). To "Be" under a guise not deemed as a stepping stone for self toward a greater and inspiring end persists such representation as part and parcel of the problem faced. It is of duty for each to follow one's north-compass diligently for such is what advances shared realism through constructivity in a challenging yet encompassing avenue, complementary to one's developmental expansion of spirit, cultivating the grand journey of life opposite inequities distilling toward such lack of purpose and fulfillment prompting transgression and inopportuneness on the macro-cosmic level [z].How do you look at the idea of an experience of negativity in a positive way? There is always that wonderful Rubber Band Analogy. The darker you've experienced the darkness when you finally let go, that much farther and faster will you fly into the light.
Closely defined systems invariably become obstacles to advancement, and we are not concerned with new philosophies of life. Our purpose is the living of a greater and a greater life, and in such a life all philosophies must constantly change. — Christian D. Larson
Resistance is futile. Join the Enlightened.
God has nothing to fear. The Infinite knows no enemy, for there is no opposition. It has no fight, argument, or battle. It is at peace within Itself. You are the taker from the Infinite in order to be the giver to the Infinite. — Raymond Charles Barker
All things are in the universe, and the universe is in all things: we in it, and it in us; in this way everything concurs in a perfect unity. — Giordano Bruno
In order to understand our moment in history and where we can go in the future, we have to know what brought us here. In order to be strategically intelligent, we need to be able to comprehend the sources of our world. Our world is shaped by our worldview. How we approach reality is defined by the kinds of assumptions we have about that reality, and that, in turn, shapes reality and feeds it back to us. The subject and the object are deeply implicated in each other... In this sense, it's very important for us to understand the sources of our worldview and therefore the whole history of our philosophies, our sciences, our religions that have led us to this point and shaped the worldview that we now find ourselves in. — Richard Tarnas
Often, notwithstanding, was I blamed, and by half-strangers hated, for my so-called Hardness, my indifferentism towards men; and the seemingly ironic tone I had adopted, as my favorite dialect in conversation. Alas, the panoply of Sarcasm was but a buckram case, wherein I had striven to envelope myself; that so my own poor Person might live safe there, and in all friendliness, being no longer exasperated by wounds. Sarcasm I now see to be, in general, the language of the Devil; for which reason I have long since as good as renounced it. But how many individuals did I, in those days, provoke into some degree of hostility thereby! An ironic man, with his sly stillness, and ambuscading ways, more especially a young ironic man, from whom it is least expected, may be viewed as a pest to society. — Thomas Carlyle
All that exists is what it is only within the limits of a certain and very small scale. On another scale it becomes something else. In other words, every thing and every event has a certain meaning only within the limits of a certain scale, when compared with things and events of proportions not very far removed from its own. — P.D. Ouspensky
What is the final expression of humanity? The union of a spirit of love with a spirit of wisdom lifts the creature into the divine state in which the soul is woman and the body man... In which the spirit is supreme over the form.
How we are programmed at birth.mp3
Tuning In.mp3
A ManifestoWorking with a paradoxDefining the elusiveVisualizing the InvisibleCommunicating the incommunicableNot accepting the limitations society has acceptedSeeing in new waysLiving for a fraction of a second and penetrating light yearsUsing intellect and instinct to achieve intuitionStriving to surpass human limitations by searching theMysteries and probing the silent universe alive withHidden creativity.Achieving total self-consciousness and self-awarenessProbing to locate the center of things - the true inner coreOf inherent but not yet understood meaning - and expose itTo be analyzedBeing creatively obsessiveQuestioning, reasoning, analyzing, dissecting and re-examiningUnderstanding that everything has further meaning, thatOrder has been created out of chaos, but order when itReaches a certain totality must be shattered by newDisorder and by new inquiries and developmentsFinding new concepts recognizing new patternsUnderstanding the finitude of human existence and stillStriving to create beauty and provocative reasoningRecognizing and Interpreting the relationship of creativeElements to each other. People to People, People to God. Peopleto Nature. Nature to Nature. Thought to Thought. Art to Art.Living reality and still being able to dreamDesiring to know the importance or insignificance of existencePersisting in the eternal search
Dr. John Mack - Shamanism & Alien Abductions.mp3
Alien Life According to the Quran.mp3
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There is no beginning. Existence only has one quality. To Exist. Time is subject to existence. Existence is not subject to time. Time is a creation within existence, therefore existence itself is timeless. And has no beginning and no ending. It just is. It's just the NOW. — Darryl AnkaI am you; you are ME. You are the waves; I am the ocean. Know this and be free, be divine. — Sathya Sai BabaAll laws can be found in nature, and a person who knows how to read the laws of nature also knows how to read the laws of life. — Mark FisherThe Universe is a hierarchy that has no bottom and no top. Between the levels of the hierarchy there is an understanding that higher perceptions can be a part of, and are encouraged to be a part of, the experience of lower plane spirits as they strive to expand their own awareness. You are involved in this process, although your personality is unaware of this, because it is done at the level of your soul. — Gary ZukavEvery action generates a force of energy that returns to us in like kind . . . what we sow is what we reap. And when we choose actions that bring happiness and success to others, the fruit of our karma is happiness and success . . . no debt in the universe ever goes unpaid. There is a perfect accounting system in this universe, and everything is a constant "to and fro" exchange of energy. — Deepak ChopraWe are mirrors of all consciousnesses of creation within the fabric of existence itself. that we are a burning flame that is eternal. That we exist now and always shall and that now is the only time and place and existence there is, and always has been and always will be. YOU are eternal, infinite, spirit, idea, expression, thought, soul, body, mind, heart, dream of the infinite creation; the whole expression in your own individualized way. You are everything, everything is you. You are the matrix, the matrix is you; you are everything, and everything gives birth to you. Not one of you can be removed from the matrix without the collapse of the entire structure; you are essential; you have impact within the entirety of creation; you deserve to be the fullest individual you can imagine yourself to be. That you deserve the existence you have been given. That you deserve all the love that you can imagine, because love is what you are made out of. Light is what you are made out of. All is required is the idea of honesty, honesty with the self... The only barriers are ignorance and arrogance. Allow yourself to create, to be.The higher and lighter the frequency, the closer to the God source one becomes. Eventually, all will become Pure Light at the center of creation, which is God or Spirit or whatever name you choose to call it. As we evolve, gaining wisdom and true understanding about our real essence, we begin to open up more to Love, and to feel our connection with one another and the universe. In the Earth realm, Love is only experienced and known at a low level compared to all that truly exists. The God/Spirit frequency is beyond anything we know. It is Pure Love - It is is Pure Light. As we strive and come closer to that center of creation, we will know Love completely and be totally In the Light.Maintaining adequately high levels of energy and emotional states is necessary for manifestation of desires. You should keep your personal atmosphere well charged at all times by projecting magnetism into it from time to time. No special times or number of times is absolutely necessary. You must use your own judgment and feeling in this matter. You will soon learn to feel when your magnetic aura is weak, and when it is strong. Having an aura of adequate strength is important to attract desired reality state.If you are about to come into contact with others whom you wish to influence or who may influence you, you should charge yourself well with magnetism. This means you should generate and project into your personal atmosphere a large amount of magnetism, which will render your aura strong and positive, instead of weak and negative. This rule is applicable to the case of the uses of personal magnetism in your dealing with other persons. You should learn to interact with the energies of others powerfully.Upon incarnating into a physical body, we experience an occultation of awareness and forget who we are. Then social conditioning and biological impulses draft a false identity upon us that is in total discord with our true spiritual nature. Most people wear this false identity for life and fail to recognize and fulfill their true reasons for incarnating. But for others, intuition and experiences help them realize that there is more to life than the material world (matrix) admits. Throughout life these individuals experience higher impulses guiding them toward becoming lucid in this dream, while simultaneously lower impulses beckon them toward sleep. For those who consistently listen to their higher impulses, inner and outer life transforms and begins to operate under divine instead of material laws, removing limitations of the latter and opening up new possibilities. This is the process of transcending the matrix, using higher laws to override lower ones by developing and purifying one’s internal nature to resonate with higher realms of existence. This is a prerequisite for fulfilling one’s potential.The ego conscious dilemma- emphasis is placed on the primary self and the satisfaction of your pride, your personality, body, encompassing what you have accumulated for yourself. Then comes group consciousness which moves beyond the self and includes those you relate to as your race, and extended family. At this consciousness, one's behavior is directed by the standards and mentality the group dictates. The greatest consciousness is when the central focus of oneself extends beyond group level consciousness, away from a mass consensus mentality, and rises toward mystical consciousness where you feel connected to every individual, creature, and the entire planet, and the laws of nature.It was not possible to formulate the laws of quantum mechanics in a fully consistent way without reference to consciousness. -Eugene Wigner
The most important change that is needed by humanity now is to move beyond the boundaries of a limited group identity to a larger sense of being human. When you open self to a connection beyond the material world, beyond the Earth to a larger firmament, to a larger identification with all-that-is, a sense of the sacredness of everything emerges. It opens one to a sense of the divine, what people often call God.
And when that occurs, everything you do, everything you see, every material or non-material object, every person, whatever or whomever you encounter becomes a part of that sacred universe. Any trauma may carry with it the possibility of personal transformation and growth. But the “alien encounter” experience seems different to me because of its specific capacity to shatter the boundaries of the psyche and to open consciousness to a wider sense of existence and connection in the universe.
The so-called alien encounter phenomenon seems to belong to that particular class of phenomena, not even generally accepted as existing by mainstream Western science, that seems not to be of this visible, known, material universe and yet appears to manifest in it.
This engagement with an intelligence (“Source” is the word most often used) through intermediaries (the “aliens”), appears to be part of the evolution of consciousness and the preservation of this planet.
What I find touching about the alien encounter phenomenon is the subtle way that it coaxes us, opens us, sometimes with tough love, sometimes by a seeming indifference, to exceed our expectations. Its methods are to invite, to coax, to show, to give opportunity, but not to do it for us, which is, at its highest level, the way that a person—a parent perhaps—tries to create growth for a child.
Rilke put it perhaps more beautifully than anyone else has. His definition of devotion was the unswerving commitment to standing guard over the privacy of another. He explained the value of this manner of commitment in the following way:
Once the realization is accepted that even between the closest human beings infinite distances continue to exist, a wonderful living side by side can grow up, if they succeed in loving the distance between them which makes it possible for each to see the other whole and against a wide sky.
So, to people who ask why the aliens do not help us overcome our ecological and social problems directly, I would suggest that most of what goes on here is not being done for us; it is showing a way, which is similar to what occurs in the most profound spiritual traditions.
Ultimate responsibility for growth is left to each of us.
Listen to a BBC Special about Dr. Mack.mp3
Uniting Humanity In the Face of Intergalactic NeighborsSuddenly our problems seem a bit smallerKnowing life is out thereA species beyond anything to compareWould help us realize that we need to prepareAnd be able to dareTo become more awareThat it's our own fault this world is so unfairThen maybe together we can look up at the stars and stareAnd be happier in the space we all shareJoseph Chavez (c`ville 2018)
Past and Future History.mp3
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A New Model of the Universe (Ouspensky).doc Size : 36 Kb Type : doc |
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The Purpose of Life (Maulana).doc Size : 31.5 Kb Type : doc |
Critical Human Weaknesses.mp3
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Supression of Speech as Theft from Mankind (Rasmussen).doc Size : 45.5 Kb Type : doc |
Spirit over Matter.mp3
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The Declaration of Independence - A Study in the History of Political Ideas (Becker).doc Size : 54 Kb Type : doc |